July 3rd, 2024

Personalized Support for Applying Your Learning
In July 2019 I received a phone call from a young woman, Kristen who had completed her Lead Auditor Integrated Management Systems training with a competitor through classroom training. She told me that she had come away with some knowledge after the training however she now felt that she was on her own when it came to Implementing what she had learnt. There was no ongoing support or network for her to ask questions on her continuing journey.
As a classroom trainer myself, I had also thought about this gap. I would spend 5 days with a group of people, working with them to excite them about auditing and ISO management systems and then on the Friday It was goodbye, see you later (maybe). They were on their own! Over the years I had connected with a lot of my students on LinkedIn and been contacted by them with questions as they went about applying and implementing what they had learned. There was a definite gap here.
This is why I agreed to work with Kristen to further support her learning and mostly the application of the learning. Kristen and I have had a zoom call once a week since July 2019 and the development of Kristen and her business (yes, I said business!) has more than likely been the most satisfying ‘job’ I’ve ever had. During that time, Kristen has purchased her own photography studio and built her own ISO management systems consulting business. To top this off, she has recently moved to the US and continues to operate her consulting business, broadening her client base to US clients. All of what she has achieved we have been talking about since July 2019 together every week. She has persevered, turned up every week, had challenges along the way, but she always comes out fighting.
All of this has come out of her eagerness to learn more and look for that support after she completed her training and received her qualification. She knew there was more work to be done so she just got on with it and found someone that could support her.

This reminded me of an experience I had with different guides on 2 hikes I completed in 2017 and 2019. My first was hiking Kokoda in PNG and my second was hiking the Swiss and Italian Alps. I had 2 completely different experiences, and it all came down to the Guide during the hikes. My Kokoda Guides were absolutely amazing, supporting me physically and mentally throughout the journey. It seemed like they would magically appear just as I needed them – although one was a bit late when I fell into a creek 🙂 Then my Guide for the Swiss and Italian Alps was not supportive at all. He actually made the journey more difficult and emotional. I had done all of the required training and passed all of the fitness tests prior to both hikes so I had completed my training, now I just needed a Guide to help to implement my training. The right Guide for this will make your journey an exciting and memorable one and get you to the finish line with a smile on your face.
A 2019 article from Harvard Business Review Where Companies Go Wrong with Learning and Development, stated that while organizations spent $359 billion globally on training, 70% of employees report that they don’t have mastery of the skills needed to do their jobs and only 12% of employees apply new skills learned into their jobs.
What is your Application Level?

The Solution is in identifying your Application Level and then taking action to move to the next level and then the next until you are at your highest Achievement level – but is there truly ever a highest achievement level? We are always learning aren’t we?
- Level 1 Training and Awareness – you’ve completed your training and may have obtained a qualification. You are now aware of the subject matter however do not have the confidence or experience to implement and apply it.
- Level 2 Guidance and Knowledge – Now that you are aware, obtaining guidance from an expert will provide you with a growing knowledge so now you can see the opportunities to apply this.
- Level 3 Support and Application – Building on your awareness and knowledge with the right support you are now starting to apply different elements of your training.
- Level 4 Coaching and Growth – A Coach will ask the right questions to lead you to your own answers and in doing this your application of your training will grow even further.
- Level 5 Mentoring and Achievement – Once you have achieved Growth in your application of your knowledge, you will have gained your own experience and skills. Working with a Mentor brings shared experiences which elevates your Achievement further.
Your Next Steps to Success
- Find an Exemplar Global Training Provider – Auditor Training Online is a great start for that!
- Research what ongoing support they offer after you have completed your training. Identify what knowledge requirements are needed.
- Enroll, Engage and take advantage of the Support, Coaching and Mentoring offered.
Work with an ISO Career Expert: Elevate your career as an ISO leader.
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